Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Getting the word out..

While we have you in the mind of voting, don't forget the local Downtown LA Neighborhood Council (DLANC) elections are coming up next week, June 12th.

0603jeff02While out in the Arts District today, I ran into General Jeff as he was seen breaking for lunch during a busy day of campaigning for the Central City East Residential Director position on the Neighborhood Council. General Jeff wants the CCE Skid Row neighborhoods to know that "we need one of our own to make the decisions to better our community."

The way to make things happen and your voice heard is by voting in the DLANC election.

Thursday June 12th, 2008 at the Los Angeles Theatre (that's 6th & Broadway) The polling location will be open from 2-8pm day of election.

There are many new faces and open seats on the DLANC board. While it's too late to make your own bid for office, you can still make a difference by familiarizing yourself with the candidates in your area. One way to do that is of course show up for the DLANC candidate forum tomorrow night at the Palace Theatre, June 4th at 630pm.

Also, be sure and vote next week!


TentCamper said...

Thanks for the reminder. It is nce to know that there is someon out there that can get our attention out of our blogs long enough to make sure that the right people are in charge.

Were you adopted?
I saw adoption in your profile. I was and am about to take that .....big step!
Check my recent posts

MeekoRouse said...

thanks tentcamper for your comments. and yes, I was adopted.. I wish you all the best.