Sunday, April 13, 2008

meandering night & day

Friday night I meandered on my own.. checked out the LA vs War firehouse (but didn't go in..lots of action going on though!) and rode around, took a couple shots, including one of my fave buildings in the Arts District.

space for rent.. but how much? ;)

recently ubiquitous Obama "Hope" seen around town.. made more interesting (IMHO) by the streetlight and shadows.



Today was the "LA Bike Meander" over at the Toy Lofts in the recently expanded Arts District, so before I passed out from heat exhaustion, I met up with folks and had a quick ride to Nokia & back..

new paint is going up in a couple places around the Arts District including what looks like a contract job over on Mateo.

0413 Meander
Here's today's crew of meanders (we're a small group today.. 4 of us) making the turn back onto Olympic and back toward the Toy Lofts. It was about an hour and then some of us checked out the LA River Bridges tour going on today and some of us (that's me) just went home to recover after a quick stop-off for iced tea. ;)

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