Sunday we headed back to the city to see Star Wars The Force Awakens (in IMAX) with SeanYoda's mom. I managed a few photos from our day before my phone battery died again..
St Patrick's across the street from the Metreon.
After lunch at the nearby Mel's, we took a sightseeing tour of the city from the Zipcar... I was awake for the Great Highway/ Ocean Beach portion:
Ocean Beach
Golden Gate Park with Windmill..
Sutro Tower as seen from the Great Highway.
We hit up the Public Library for a bit where I was able to pick up my hold books before we ran out of time, as well check out the installations on the PPIE and the WWII in the Philippines.
The sun was setting as we headed back to the EastBay..
pretty pink and rose sky..
Finally.. the Bay Bridge set against the fading light..
This is my 2nd attempt at making these.. the first didn't come out near as good (more like brownie brittle.) Recipe calls for 1 cup flour & 1 cup sugar, a cube of butter, 1 egg, and 1/4 tsp of baking soda.. and finally 2 tblsp. of instant coffee.
Cookies still came out flat (despite putting batter in the fridge for a few hours) but at least they taste alright.
Pumpkin Spice Bread..
Usually I use a Krusteaz mix from Costco, but SeanYoda brought home a different mix*.. This one doesn't seem to have nuts.. It didn't rise as much as I expected, and I haven't tried it yet.. (don't plan to until my second loaf is finished baking..) You can make a cream cheese frosting for it but I usually serve it without anything. People can put butter or maybe a fruit spread on it if they want, I suppose.
I'll bring these to Christmas Dinner at Sean's older brother's place in the city..
Shiba Ramen was still soft opening its location in the Emeryville Public Market as we stopped in on a rainy Friday night.
By the time we showed up they were down to only a couple servings of ramen and sides. We were able to get an order of Miso Ramen and an order of gyoza and their Shiba Wings..
the gyoza was gyoza.. very lightly fried and tasty but you know, it's gyoza.. serving was perfect for sharing.
now for the most amazing thing we had.. the Shiba Wings:
What you can't tell from the photo is the light honey sprinkled goodness.. and when you bite into the wings, OMGz the juiciness! So good.. I was suggesting we get a couple order of these whenever possible just to take home.
As it was they closed while we were eating as they had sold out of EVERYTHING! (not surprising!)
Something's coming soon..
As seen on my way home from school.. The neon beckoned to me, as it does.. and of course once you stop, you'll notice that SW: The Force Awakens can be seen in downtown Berkeley,(just in case you needed to know another place it was showing.) ;)
Today was the annual Heyday Books holiday sale.. I think this might be a regular thing for me (what with attending 2 years in a row now!) and since they publish some really great books, whatever you get will be a good choice. SeanYoda went with me, thinking that he'd keep me from over-shopping, but he found some titles he wanted too.. Suffice to say I walked home with a nice haul of books to read in the new year..
I went specifically to pick up a copy of LAtitudes and So Far From Home: Russians in Early California but as you can tell, I ended up with a lot more to add to my little home library of California interests! I'm especially happy to finally have my own copy of All of Us or None as I have really enjoyed reading all of Lincoln Cushing's poster art books previously, including this one.)
It's been a nice quiet Thanksgiving.. The DH was again the founder (and chef) of the feast! We started the day with the Macy's Parade (which I couldn't make it through and managed to find "Sweeney Todd" just as it was starting! This seemed like the perfect thing.. a musical that included songs about making meat pies stuffed with people, whereas we were working on stuffing ourselves.
Sweeney Todd (w/ Alan Rickman as Judge Turpin)
We also managed to take the time to clear off an episode of "Survivor" and "Star Wars Rebels." Some football was viewed but I managed to not pay attention to it.. I was busy eating pie.
SeanYoda ended up purchasing more than we actually ended up eating: crackers, cranberry goat cheese, pickle salad, potatoes (for mashing), onions, cornbread stuffing mix, gravy, fresh cranberry sauce, a whole smoked turkey, and pumpkin pie.
The pie went into the oven first:
The smoked turkey ($30 from Berkeley Bowl) needed to stay in the oven about two hours to reheat:
the meat was very tender..
We have lots of meat leftover for sandwiches, soup, and omelets (he picked up eggs too) and the bones will go to make a soup stock.
Dinner all put together! Smoked Turkey, Stuffing (w/gravy) and cranberry sauce.
and dessert of course!(a couple hours later)
Thanksgiving is an American (and Canadian!) holiday.. The American day of giving thanks was officially made a nataional holiday by President Lincoln in 1863, but was celebrated in various states throughout history.. It often harkens back to Protestantism and giving spiritual thanks for the harvest. So many times the Pilgrims are dragged up as inspiration for Thanksgiving,(and they had plenty to be thankful for what with the local Native Americans saving them from going the way of early Jamestown.)
My experience of Thanksgiving as a child has always been a family holiday infused with religious doctrine (my dad's side of the family was/is Dutch Reformed or Protestant) As I've gotten older I've been able to experience the holiday as the secular day of family, friends, food, and fall festivities.
Today it seems most American Thanksgiving focuses on the food.. I can well imagine a world today that sees America as voracious in all things. In its most ideal, Americans come together as family and friends to share food and company, not unlike the winter holidays. Taking time to slow down and enjoy the time together. There's no wrong way to celebrate.. or not. Many of our family & friends live far off, so phone calls,"face time," emails or texts (or tweets!) are in order.
Yes there is the binge eating, and the 'turkey coma'..but we joke about it and move on, (and not everyone does turkey.. some do tofu, others tamales, others lamb, or duck, or chicken..It's not about what you eat, it's more that you're not eating alone if you can help it. And you take the time to think about the people and things that give your life meaning,(or at least you are thankful for), and the people who probably who aren't as fortunate as yourself.. gratitude, grace, and thankfulness.
and he's terrible at helping me with my homework..
in fact, he'd rather park himself on my textbooks & notes than meow the answers to me..
He does miss me & greets me at the door whenever I come home from being out on a walk or at school:
I'm thinking to create a new blog to put all those cat pix.. old and new.. starting back in Sept 10th, 2001 when Alexander first came to us as a 3 week old kitten (we're eventually letting our website lapse.. so where to host those cat pix??) and honestly, these are a bit more personal than I wanted to put here.. but he (and his sister while she was with us)is definitely a good part of the good stuff in my life here in Berkeley, and what makes life livable for me.. and a better Thanksgiving.
Spending some time in the City earlier today.. I checked out the Main Branch library this afternoon, (and got a library card before I headed out.) The first thing I saw when I walked in was this lovely glass domed skylight.. I was like "Wait a minute!"
I wasn't supposed to be thinking about maths today! =) ..and yet I was:
(the skylight had me thinking of an old book..)
The next thing I noticed was the sheer size and contrasting newness while all around was the unmistakable smell of musty old books.
stairs.. there's some 6 floors..
here at the entry you cross over a bridge of sorts and look down onto the first floor:
I made sure to get a library card before I headed out. They didn't have the book I wanted to checkout but I could place a hold order but would rather not make a special trip to the city just to borrow a book,(unless it's a really good book!) Yeah, I'm lazy like that. ;)
The sun was starting to fade.. time to go home! I couldn't leave without a photo of one of the Market Streetcars..