OOPS! Not sure where folks ended up having breakfsst.. went by Weeneez around noon to find this:

Guess that daily breakfast starts tomorrow perhaps!?
Say, you're wanting breakfast on Labor Day?

I hope you didn't forget that Weeneez has breakfast? Yes Weeneez has breakfast *now* every day of the week starting Labor Day, that's tomorrow, the 1st of September! Breakfast is served from 10am-2pm & the 2.99 breakfast special (which I hear is pretty popular) is from 10-11am, just like the big sign in the window says.. ;P
Weeneez is at 5th & Spring of course!
As always it's good to note that not everyone works through the weekends and holidays. Even your local merchant needs some time off.
Before heading out to your fave bookstore or cafe, check their hours.. more than likely the places on Main St. may very well be closed for Labor Day. In the case of some shops, such as Metropolis Books, they'll be closed on Sunday & Monday after their author event Saturday night. Another place I noticed will be closed on Monday is Blossom Cafe..
If you aren't going out of town it may very well be a quiet weekend. Enjoy. ;)
While snooping around the City of LA website, I came across this Nokia Theatre 2008 Job Fair notice (it's a pdf file, btw)
Basically the Nokia Theatre will be looking for new hires at its job fair Tuesday the 26th from 1-7pm and Wednesday the 27th from 10am-5pm. These are part-time events jobs for service industry positions such as ushers, ticket-sellers, merchandising positions and the like.
The pre-screening location is actually at:
Southeast LA-Crenshaw Worksource Center
3965 S. Vermont Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90037
So the jobfair itself isn't at Nokia/ LA LIVE.. more info is on the pdf link above and includes contact name and phone.
LA Live was one of the things they pushed on new Downtowners when we were doing the housing tour, (that and the Ralph's "Opening SOON!") so it's nice to finally see some of this stuff come to fruition. I'll be looking forward to that AMC, though.

I plan to start my weekend off with breakfast at Weeneez. Julie Rico may not be doing brunch on Sundays but she still has some breakfast items available (along with her famous regular menu) available Saturdays.
She opens at 11am.. I'm hungry already!
edit: Eggs Benedict I had for brunch:

served w/ hash browns, and english muffin (and I ordered diet coke) OMG! It was amazingly good!
ps: Since I am keeping track of my expenses, I thought I might start a new regular thing called "how I'm spending my money" or something like that. It might be food reviews, or film reviews, jazz clubs or whatever.. I haven't worked it out. but figure it'll be an easy way to keep up on things, and get an added post from it. Yes, it's a bit of fluff. Then again, so is this blog. ;) (just hopefully not too fluffy!)
While out & about this morning, passing by the home of future LAPD motor pool.

The cement mixers were busy pouring some concrete into the structure of the future LAPD parking garage. This is just one of many on-going projects that are currently under construction all around downtown near Main Street.
Festival of Sail LA & more**
One of the fests I've enjoyed (and continue to) is the Festival of Sail which occurs along the Washington/ California coast. While I get the impression the festival is getting smaller: less ships to see this time around, and fewer booths, the ships are still worth heading out to San Pedro (or in the case of the 20th, San Diego).

HMS Surprise
The Tall Ships rotate each year between Pacific, Atlantic, and Great Lakes. They begin their Pacific tour usually out of Tacoma, onward eventually to San Francisco, Oxnard/Channel Islands, San Pedro, then San Diego. So you have many opportunities in the month of August to see & tour these beautiful ships. As for this year, your last chance is in San Diego. You didn't have anything planned next weekend did you? ;)
rest of my flickr set:
2008 Festival of Sail

USCG Barque Eagle

Robert Vargas sketches outside Stella Dottir's shop
I only have a few photos I took last week and they aren't nearly as good as others have taken, but here you go, four days after the fact:
August 08 Downtown Art Walk
As you can see, I didn't get around to very many galleries, and honestly didn't take many pictures.
SeanYoda Rouse IMHO, has a more complete and inclusive tour of art walk on his flickr however. He got to a LOT more places than I did, although he admits he didn't get to nearly everything. Still, I think his has a better representation of what art walk was like last week. Be sure & check it out:
SeanYoda's August Downtown Art Walk Set
Set includes still as well as video capture.
P.S. for Joe: Between Art Walk and the Festival of Sail, I was much more worn out walking than I anticipated and missed the Bike Meander Sunday. Instead I opted for running errands (which also it turns out wore me down) and watching some DVR'd Olympics. I didn't get back in time for the Nisei Week parade and frankly was too tired by the time I got back at around 8pm to worry about it much. I'm almost glad the weekend is over. =P Too much fun is exhausting!
Tall Ships this weekend at the Port of Los Angeles is already in high gear according to this LA Times Travel article:
Festival of Sail 2008
"From 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, tall ships will do battle on the not-so-high seas, purportedly "fighting it out for control of L.A. Harbor," according to the festival's website.."
We've already missed the parade of tall ships on Friday, however there's more fun to be had all day Saturday the 16th and Sunday the 17th. I've personally attended this event in both San Francisco and in LA at San Pedro. It's fun touring these beautiful historical vessels. If you don't get a chance this weekend, the next stop on the tour is San Diego, the weekend of the 20th.
Also this weekend is the beginning of Nisei Week. You'll be hearing more about that elsewhere I'm sure.. but it's an event that kicks off Saturday and includes the annual Parade Sunday evening... I'm looking forward to that!
Saturday night is also another big night for EVFA as he's opening yet another show at his gallery, featuring a solo exhibit of Michael Snow. The reception is tonight from the 16th of August from 7-11pm.. more info can be found at EVFA website.
Some nice person must know some of us don't get cable tv, so I'm really enjoying the kaleidoscopic patterns they're projecting onto the Hotel Barclay for my benefit this evening. ;P

Whatever it's for, thanks buddy!** That and my K-Jazz makes for a nice pre- television era sort of evening.
**thinking it's coming from the MoNA across the street from the Barclay. ok still don't know what it was from for sure.
Just when I'm complaining nothing exciting ever happens (besides a lucky shoe find at Payless just when I needed it) there was a horrible little incident at 6th & Broadway. While I didn't witness it myself, (I was in the shoe store after all) I heard the brakes of a car as it tried to stop at the intersection.. That didn't sound good at all, I said out loud to the store clerk.

As it was, there was a crowd gathered at the corner and the LAPD and a few seconds later, the LAFD was on the scene. I stayed and took some shots while the LAFD assessed the lady's vitals and the police took their statements.. then the paramedics gently walked the lady over to ambulance.. and took her away. This all in maybe a stretch of minutes.
Tease me if you will, but our LAFD and the LAPD are the good guys..
See entire flickr set HERE
Thanks for reading.
I haven't gotten out near as much as I used to, and these past few Sundays had me traveling, battling a cold, or in many cases, just plain exhausted.
Despite having gone to some good friends' birthday bbq Saturday and up pretty late, I did manage to wake up in a timely manner Sunday morning and join the LA Bike Meander.. I have even learned to post pictures from my cel phone..

riding at the cornfields.. (that are not cornfields).
I have a bunch of photos to upload & edit.. so I'll get to that at some point. Suffice to say it was a good time.. we had a good group of 6 this time, and even a gentleman from Santa Monica came out for the ride! We rode around the Arts District quite a bit and then over to the cornfields and then back to the Toy Lofts (then I rode a little bit more).
I am so incredibly sore from our little ride! I think I'll take a day off from biking and return to it mid-week because the soreness tells me that I really need to get back to cycling again. That and more walking.. I've gained at least 5lbs sitting around waiting for things to happen & things to do.
Now if the Olympics and life in general doesn't distract me too much, I'll have more to see here in another day or so.. Happy Monday! (LOL)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my buddy Joe Cornish! (Eureka Poz) and happy birthday to me (yes I'm the freak that's 40) and happy birthday to my sister in law who, it turns out is also celebrating today! Eights are supposedly very lucky numbers (among others) in some cultures.. today is a "triple eight" day so it might be very good indeed, not just for those celebrating their birthday though!
(See? it's not all about me..)
I've heard that Weiland Brewery is having a birthday of sorts this evening..(if you believe the downtown news) so we'll see. I was hoping for green corn tamales & Batman today but a red velvet cupcake from Lot 44 and a beer later on from Weiland will work too. ;P
We'll see what happens!

For the rest of you looking for something to do tonight how about heading over to 3rd & Traction to check out "At Traction" which opened up last night in the arts district.
It's put on by Cornerstone Theatre and is a very well done play and stars some of your Arts District Neighbors and friends, as well some very talented theatre interns from all over. "At Traction" is a story about the Arts District and is full of humor and history of the area. I enjoyed it very much opening night.. Tickets are a suggested donation of $20.

Also tonight is the opening reception for Dale Youngman's "Digital Visions" at the Continental Gallery. This is her first show at the Continental I am thinking, and will be running only for the next couple weeks. The show features work by David A Knudsen and guest artists Rex Bruce & Franklin Londin. I went by there last night and it's looking to be a really cool & big opening. Lots of stuff to see!
National Night Out on First Street in Little Tokyo begins very soon.. so get on over there!

photo taken earlier this afternoon, as the street was taped off and workers were dashing about getting the stages set up. Among other entertainment will be live bands and dancers.

sidewalks are open, as are Little Tokyo's restaurants.