Wednesday, October 08, 2008

meandering around town

Haven't updated in a bit but I've been spending some time meandering in one way or another.

Last Saturday was BlogDowntown's 2nd Annual "ShootDowntown" meet. A couple dozen or so avid photographers met up at Arda's Cafe to shoot the breeze then shoot around town.
shootdowntown 2 (my flickr set)
Sunday was the weekly bike meander, which I gave about 10min before deciding it was the smallest meander ever. A bike meander of one. Still, it got me up and about and out to the Arts district where I took some photos before heading back to home base in Old Bank District.

HOPE  (Biscuit Lofts window)
American Apparel

Monday found me a little under the weather but I managed to get out for a little bit yesterday in the beautiful sun before heading back in to catch that 2nd debate between Sen. Barack Obama & John McCain. I think it would have been cool if someone had a neighborhood meetup for the last debate. Who knows? Maybe it'll happen.

Until then, there's the 1st Anniversary of the downtown dogwalk in Pershing Square tonight at around 6pm. Another event to look forward to tomorrow: the Monthly Downtown Art Walk. So despite all the economic upheaval, some things continue on. You can count on Art Walk every month and people will always be wanting to meander, whether on bike, by foot or with their trusty dog by their side. Cheesy yes, yet true.


Anonymous said...

Great photos, as always, Meeko!

I've seen a couple of the debates at The Far Bar- nothing fancy, but they have a large plasma by the bar and happy hour prices. No big crowd so you can usually get a bar stool at least, and there's a a couple of tables in viewing range.

You are right- lots of stuff to do around here that's free- I'm looking forward to dog party tonite and Art Walk tomorrow... Take It To The Bank event sounds particularly cool... maybe I'll see you around.

MeekoRouse said...

ack! I linked to the wrong article but I just fixed it..

However, yes the "take it to the bank" event BlogDowntown is throwing should be fun: and yes, I'll be there!