walking home tonight passing Triple Rock.. Shattuck Avenue has lovely holiday lights (and in some cases, decorations) wrapping all the trees on either side of Shattuck Avenue..
Out of milk, so headed to Berkeley Bowl to get a little something to tie over til the weekend.. and what do I spot front and center with the Berkeley Farms milk???
eggnog!!?? It's not even Hallowe'en yet!! *argh!!*
Though I do love the stuff.. it's just TOO EARLY!!!
John Brothers Piano Company performing in Downtown Berkeley Tues. evening of 30 Sept.
I was having a not so very good day and feeling rather down, (you ever have a day when something doesn't feel just right but you can't put your finger on it?) The fact I was feeling like this, then had a math class (which always causes me a little stress) my Tuesday afternoon wasn't looking/feeling too good.. I equated it to "general happiness with a frosted coating of crap.."
But then I got out of math class yesterday evening.. One of my favorite local bands was performing outside the entrance to the Berkeley BART station; I was just in time to catch the last performance of the last set.
I hope they cheer you up too.. even if you don't need cheering up. ;) Have a great midweek!