so this sweet Morris Cat I've run into a few times.. very friendly, but thankfully never follows me beyond its corner..

Walking down Bancroft toward Shattuck... I love being able to see so far down the road that you can take the Bay into your scenery..

For someone who's usual view is of the hills, this was a lovely reminder.

The Spring semester has had me behind in my reading challenge, and when I *did* manage to read anything, it seems it was mostly school related. I have 2 weeks before Summer classes start.. so we'll see how much I get read before then.. I am (as always) amid at least 10 books, (many of them being library books I've had to return after renewing as much as I could.)

a few of the books I'm hoping to actually finish sometime this Summer..
I just started reading Orlando Figes' Just Send Me Word (which I thought sounded interesting while reading Revolutionary Russia for some side-reading in my World History class..) I checked it out Sunday during Bay Area Book Fest so I've not gotten into it yet. Some of the source material are some 1500 letters that were written (& left uncensored) while imprisoned in Stalinist gulag. Sounds romantic,yes?
Belarus (Mathew Wilson) is another book I'm having to return to the library after renewing three times.. I'm about 65% through it and up to the 'modern era' but I'll have to wait to check it out again on another visit. So far it's been interesting from a linguistic and geographic point of view, and helped me understand a couple things about 'self identification' (but also brought up a few questions.. ah well.)
Not pictured, The Philosophy of Mathematics (David Bostock.) I'm about halfway through, but have been sharing it with unknown entities as I've had to return it a couple times due to it being 'on hold' for someone else,(when it's not on hold for me!)
Country in the City (Richard Walker) and The Heyday of Malcolm Margolin (which I started twice already) I am having to re-start from the beginning.. Basically I start a book, something happens, I have a different book (for school or otherwise,) getting priority and then I come back to previous book a week later, (if I'm lucky.) Otherwise things get re-shelved, and library books get priority because I have to return them, or I have a paper to write, something.
I spent 20+ hours weekly working on Statistics and feel lucky to pass it (which is a total bummer because I was actually enjoying most of it.. but enjoying it and 'getting it' in a timely manner are different things.).. Therefore reading, unless class related, got pushed aside for much of the semester.
I guess we'll see where I'm at after Summer Session.. Mainly due to my short-comings in Maths, I'll be taking a couple classes this Summer for the first time. I'd like to have my History AA-T at the end of Spring 2017 semester. It can happen!