The installation includes 15 counter-culture / activist posters within a smaller time frame of the original "All of Us or None" archive that appeared at OMCA in a previous year. Some of the posters were chosen based on comments from museum patrons, (which were included with the displayed poster art.)

This linotype poster print attributed to Franke Rowe is my favorite of the posters included in this installation. If I recall the story correctly, (I didn't take notes) Rowe was an instructor at SF State who was fired for refusing to sign the loyalty oath during the 50s... banned from teaching til the late 60s, when he was hired at Laney.

There was a pretty nice crowd for the talk which was to last about 15 min.. I wished it could have been longer.. Pop-Up talks as part of OMCA's Friday nights feature different speakers each week.. as well discounted admission, and the food trucks of course.. although honestly this was the first Friday Night event I've made as I specifically came for the talk.

I took the pix with my iphone.. no flash.. so a lot of blurriness & jazz hands.. ;) However, if you want to see the other pix I took of the framed posters or more blurry image 'jazz hands' you can view them in my OMCA flickr set HERE..