Wednesday, June 04, 2014

What remains.. Chalk (minus the chocolate)


Unable to attend the North Berkeley Annual Chocolate and Chalk Art Festival on Saturday the 31st of May (as we're in the process of moving into our new Berkeley flat/condo and the day got the best of us getting things organized/installed.) We had attended in 2012 so I was really bummed to have missed it yet again this year, (I think we were out of town last year??) I was in for a bit of a surprise today!

On my afternoon walk I found that many of the chalk art drawings were still on the sidewalk, and in pretty good condition.. I took some iphone pix of some of the better ones..

Rather faded, but hey.. Star Wars!(I'm assuming that's dark chocolate that Darth is holding out to Luke):

Maurice Sendak is always a winner with me.. still lovely 5 days later!
where the wild things still are..

remnants of a mad tea party:

dragon (I kind of cheated on this one and did autofix.. but it was so nice!)

There were many others still out there but they are slowly fading and smudging from the trodding of many feet. A few are deftly hidden beneath sidewalk benches, (and despite being still nice, are difficult if not pointless to take photos.)

I'm glad I got the treat of seeing what remained.. As for the chocolate, a lemon square did the trick just as well. ;)

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