Saturday, February 16, 2008

early morning ramblings

This last week has been terribly busy & bumpy in a mostly good way, but one barely takes a breath before realizing the week is out and you wonder where the days went.

I could do a Chinese Lunar New Year post.. I was there, and the festivities were great and food amazing, and Valentine's Day was full of art, and hearts.. some of them broken, and some on the mend. Lots of walking, lots of talking, bands, buses, and more food.

Then there was last night which included more art, some notes, and a special viewing of a special photo essay projection, and many familiar faces and places. Despite the turn in the weather, (it's been getting a little chilly and breezy the last couple days) and a long cold walk home, it's good.

I'd post photos but so many have done so already. =) Just know there are people out there doing some great and amazing things. It's a better & lovelier world because of them, (and no, I'm not talking about me).

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