Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Mo' Better Biking & "Mo' better Meaty Meat"

Yes, another Bicycling post:

I was hoping to get out on the bike yesterday with all the lovely weather. However, by the time I got back out again to my local bike shop (El Maestro, baby!) the sun was fading fast. By the time I was done, the sun was gone! I got a new light set and a mirror (which is giving me some issue, so I have to work on that). I rode a few blocks to try the light set & mirror out and had to stop because I was spending too much time keeping the mirror from falling off. Not good in traffic!

I'll work on it more today and then it's off to do my first long ride in ages.. I'm not sure how much it'll benefit me though, as the purpose of the ride is to get some "Mo' better Meaty Meat" burgers from a new place I've not been before. I love new places and the ride should counteract some of the 40pts of greasy meat I'm thinking I might ingest. (if the place is anything like "Islands" their cheeseburgers run about 40 Weight Watcher points but are well worth it).

I did an official "unofficial" weigh in this morning and I was at 195lbs even. So although I'm not counting points, those little walks and bike rides are doing something for me. =) I guess I might just keep riding.

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